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Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Price of Beauty

Wow... how expensive is it to dress kids???? As we enter the winter season and say goodbye to summer I find myself once again struggling to dress the kids. The other day, my Mom and I went through the girls winter clothes from last year to ascertain what doesn't fit and needs to find a new home, what still fits, and what can be let out to fit. Then the shopping to fill in the gaps began. I try to shop smart, but even at that... four $15 dollar items is $60 bucks and that doesn't make a dent in a wardrobe. The girls need brown shoes, black shoes, and tennis shoes. The boys need dress shoes and play shoes... We need 4 heavy coats and 4 jackets... the list goes on.... But, I regularly get compliments on the kids clothes which makes me feel good.

Funny, I can walk out the door in sweats, t-shirt, hair clip, and no make-up... but heaven forbid the kids walk out without matching bows, socks, and shoes.

Anyways, I want to thank Walmart, Target, Kolh's, and Ross for their great sales and contributions to our wardrobes....


1 comment:

  1. When I'm shopping for the girls' clothes, my mind sometimes wanders over to what it would be like to have only one child. Maybe then a $30 Halloween costume wouldn't make me blink...but multiply that a time or two, and it adds up so quickly!

    Even though it's expensive and it can be tedious, I still have such fun shopping for the girls. :)


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