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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Xmas Card Photo... UGH!!

I knew this wasn't going to be fun and I was sooooo right....

Step One:  Getting dear husband on board to cooperate and help in getting the kids dressed and polished.
Step Two:  Getting dear husband to allow me to try and turn our bedroom into a "studio" and I use that term VERY lightly given I just brought down every lamp in the house to get the room bright enough to allow a picture to be taken.  NOT THE IDEAL and didn't make dear husband excited.
Step Three:  Practice before calling in the subject matter....  Take a picture and go grab more lamps.
Step Four:  Bring in the kids...  here is where the nightmare began.  I had a cute pose already picked out in my head, but no one wanted to stay in their designated spot... everybody wanted to sit on the box and no one wanted to stand close together.  Whatever!!!!  snap, snap, snap...
Step Five:  Run to the computer... anything worth trying to save.... OH NO!!! TERRIBLE... get more lamps.
Step Six:  Walk lightly, dear husbands patience is running thin....
Step Seven:  "OK, Everyone back on your mark.  Kaylee, get your finger out of your nose.  Addison, stand up straight and move back over.  Cody, quit sucking on your tongue.  Jerry, PLEASE don't fuss at them too bad or you'll get someone crying.  UHG,,,, Jadon.... don't cry...."
Step Eight:  Back to the computer....  CRAP!!!!!!
Step Nine:  Line them up again....  (I was ready to give up at this point, but dear husband rallied and pulled it all together....  did I mention I LOVE HIM????)
Step Ten:  Back to the computer....  If I swap Cody's head from another shot...  I can salvage this one photo.....  GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME!!!!

This photo session is a wrap!!!!

Oh, by the way... the boy in the middle is Cody (the baby)... believe it or not..


  1. Whatever miracles you worked, the picture turned out great! (And I'm laughing at the thought of you tip-toeing around to gather more lamps...HA!)

  2. I'm DYING! The best part... "terrible!...get more lamps!!" :-) Story of my life, and I only have three to deal with. Your picture is FABULOUS! You can relax for an entire year now. Looks great! :-)

  3. Totally hilarious! And totally my photo shoots. I have photos on my stairs of all the kids over the years. Some people think I am "boasting" but these are the trophies of life. . . all 4 kids, hair fixed, dressed, cleaned, with hair bows and what-not, facing front and smiling?

    Better than any trophy!!

    Good job!!

  4. OH my gosh...they are growing up!! I think it turned out lovely!

  5. Isn't it crazy all that we go through for the perfect picture :) Yours came out beautiful! I gave up on the idea a while ago (when I only had one child) and now use a bunch of good photos from the year (I take 1,000's so there is bound to be a few good ones). This year one of my best friends who is a photographer did a shoot with us this fall so my pictures are beautiful :)

  6. Very cute! I love it! I did our family photo with a tripod and remote. Then I also swapped out a head. ha ha! Love this.


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