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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Our Christmas Story - Part Two

Our holiday started with David, Kerri, and baby Lane's arrival on Wednesday. When Jerry got home from work, we went over to mawmaw and pawpaw's house for dinner and visiting with the family (including GG or Great Grandma). They were all enjoying a quiet evening, until our arrival of course. We tend to bring a lot of noise and activity with us everywhere we go. On Thursday, I spent the day at home with the kids and after their naps Jerry and I dressed them all for Christmas Eve Mass... My Mom cried with joy having all her kids and grandkids together for church services and Christmas celebrations. During Mass we told Kaylee she could go see baby Jesus in the manger after church if she was good, so at the end of services we walked her over to see Baby Jesus, but the manger was empty. Apparently, they weren't going to put him in the manger until Christmas morning. She was in tears.... but we got lucky. On the way out of the Church we saw baby Jesus tucked away for safe keeping and sneeked in a peek. After Mass, we loaded up and headed to Mi Rancho for some Mexican food. Addison insisted she sit by Aunt Kerri and Jadon by Uncle David. Upon leaving, I overheard another table comment that we had a lot of kids, then a few minutes later asked if we had triplets.... "yes, they are triplets. Yes, then we had another one. Yes, They are all mine, except the new baby which is my brothers." The standard spiel.

Addison and Pawpaw
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Kerri and Baby Lane
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Addison & Kaylee
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Cody, our little drummer boy
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Baby Lane
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Addison sings Jingle Bells

Jadon sings Santa Claus is coming to "THE" town

If you have 6 1/2 minutes to spare, here is our Christmas morning..... from waking to stockings.

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